Friday, November 5


The hat was purchased in Japan during New Moon promo. It was first seen on Rob's gorgeous head a year ago today :)

Leaving his Tokyo hotel on Nov. 4, 2009.

on Nov. 7, 2009 when Rob was spotted in a vehicle leaving a Los Angeles hotel.

And the first clear shot of the LB came on Nov. 8, 2009, leaving LAX and heading to Paris for the European leg of New Moon promo.

Kami tidak tau pasti  bagaimana dia mendapatkan topi itu di Jepag sampai dia melakukan wawancara dengan press Swedia dan Italia ketika ada di London awal 2010 ini. Sepertinya wawancaranya salah terjemahannya.

 Swedish mag mengatakan bahwa Rob berkata singkatan dari topi itu adalah "Long Beach" dan dibeli di Tokto tapi  dibeli di AJG (???). Tapi Italian mag claims bahwa huruf itu adalah "SB" dan Rob mengatakan bahwa itu singkatan dari Santa Barbara dan Rob pikir dia beli itu di Tokyo. See? Lost in translation.

The facts are these:
  • The hat is from Long Beach State University 
  • It was first spotted on Rob's head leaving Tokyo
  • It has remained a staple in his limited wardrobe for a year

Hhahahaha..Ampe tuh warna topi dah gak item

Dan jangan lupa, Rob juga bawa tuh topi pas dia ketangkepan ma Kristen Holding hands in Paris airport!awwww!!10 November 2009...or 11 November..hmm..

I remembered when I looked at these..I jump, bouncing, claps, and did happysighed!!LOL..Even Ryan Seacrest bouncing too when E!News make this news!lol..*happysigh..again*

Out of topic???..bwhuahahhaha..dont care!lol

So happy I can find excuse to post these amazing moments :D

And these!

BWHUAHAHHAHAH..So many actually!lol

Translator n Post : Melin


  1. topi yg mempunyai banyak sejarah bersama rob....xixixixii, tuh topi bisa masuk museum celebriti entar......

  2. em....
    pict yg trhkir tu kliatny sptunya kk rob ma k kris sama... cman bda alas ny doang... btul p ngk??
    ktakan bila aku salah.....
